Friday, September 26, 2014

Let's Make Pico de Gallo Salsa

Hi everybody! Welcome to my first blog post! I am so excited to start my foodie adventure and I hope  everybody will enjoy the ride with me.

So, here's a little about me. I'm just your average twenty-something finally making time for what I love to do: cooking and baking. I'm definitely not a professional, but I've always been the person in the group to cook for everybody else and enjoyed it. In college, I loved getting together for potlucks and later at my job, I was always the one to bring in homemade cookies or brownies. 

I hope to use this blog (and perhaps some vlogs) to share my passion and to learn some new recipes along the way. I would really like to blog about some of my own recipes/adaptions as well as "test out" some great recipes I have pinned on Pinterest. So, if you have any suggestions fell free to leave me a comment!

Without further a due, my first recipe is for my own Pico de Gallo. I started making this salsa when I fell in love with a similar pre-made Pico de Gallo at a local grocery store. I wanted to make it myself as a less costly alternative and now, almost seven years later and after many trials, I think I have perfected my own adaptation of the recipe. This is definitely one of my most requested dishes and I make it for pretty much every summer family function or potluck party. The leftovers can also be used as a filling for omelets, which is super delicious. I hope you enjoy!

4 large tomatoes or 6-7 smaller tomatoes
1 cucumber 
1 green bell pepper
1 red bell pepper
1 yellow bell pepper (optional)
1/2 red onion 
1 garlic clove
1  lime or about 1/4 cup of lime juice
Salt and Pepper to taste

1. Cut up all vegetables into small chunks 
2. Stir vegetable, add lime juice, salt and pepper to taste
3. Ready to eat immediately or store in refrigerator over night